Strategic Sourcing Report:
Implementing Strategic Sourcing Plans With a
Take-Away Outline
To get the report simply key in your details below and we’ll send you an email with the download link for the report. Some of the procedures that you will learn are: 1. How at the beginning of each year your Chief Procurement Officer or Head of Procurement will define the key spend categories that are to be covered by a Strategic sourcing plan |
2. Further the Team Leader will select a Strategic Sourcing Team composed of those individuals at Company involved with the spend category or any others needed to support the development or implementation of the plan.
3. Then, the Team led by the Team Leader, should meet and discuss all aspects of the procurement activity related to the selected category. This should include, the Company business strategies related to the commodity, supplier performance and relations, supplier selection, quality and delivery issues, cycle time reduction, inventory, global supply market conditions, sourcing methods of competitors, potential for total cost improvements, contractual arrangements, ordering and payment process, substitutions and commodity innovations, and the forecasted requirements for the spend category. The team then develops the necessary data to complete the Strategic Sourcing Plan including the action plan.
4. Once the SSP is approved it should be presented by the Strategic Sourcing Plan Team to Executive Management for concurrence.
5. The Team Leader shall administer the plan with team members providing input per the SSP action plan.While the value of such report is $97, we are offering it for a limited time free of charge, because we want to ensure that you find out for yourself the quality of the information we offer. That would help to earn your and your organisation’s business in the future be they seminars, tele-seminar, consultancy etc.
Again to get the full 8 pages report key in your details below, before we withdraw this report from circulation or charge $49 for it.More Reports - click the below links...