23 - 24 June 2014 – Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
This course has been previously conducted in-house for one of our clients. Participants who attended were satisfied at 81.4%. .
Program Satisfaction = 81.4%. |
Clear picture of what is the important criteria to tackle toward changes improvement. Procurement Executive,
How do you know how well your suppliers are doing? Most responses present a subjective view. Proper and effective tools will provide an objective, quantitative visibility of what supplier are doing. This program will assist purchasing and other areas of business activities in evaluating performance. It will aid you in working with suppliers to improve quality and availability of products and services. We need to recognize that the strength and power of an effective supplier certification program that includes supplier selection & rating of suppliers’ performance will lead to a better supply base that addresses controlled change. This will discard wasteful activities. More importantly, the process gets everyone affected involved. Too many efforts take a one-sided view – “I’m the customer and I’m always right”. Learning from each other is paramount to the process. Another value to this course is learning from those who have already done it!!
Download the Program Booklet
Participants will increase competencies through a variety of instructional methods including lecture by an experienced practitioner and consultant, individual and team cases, and group discussions covering the many topics presented in the program.
He is very effective. Outcome of the seminar course was more in beyond expectation. Michael was very accommodating, attended to all questions, very knowledgeable. Provided practical example. He also delivered in manner that would wake you up- keep you active. He shared limitless experience.
Procurement Manager,
Petron Corporation Manila
If this is not the exact seminar you are looking for, click here to find out more purchasing & procurement seminar.