Course Details for CIPP/CIAPP Procurement Certifications!

1. Certified International Procurement Professional (CIPP)

The CIPP program is typically aimed at people who are starting their career in procurement. The program takes a generalist approach to procurement, concentrating on the fundamentals of procurement.

The CIPP program is ideal for buyers looking for a first professional certification. It will allow you to understand the key processes in procurement and help build the professional knowledge and competences that employers are looking for.

Here are the Competence Levels required for CIPP Certification.

CIPP is offered fully online with 12 Months unlimited access. Includes 65 courses with total seat time of 63 hours, simulations, application based tasks, quizes, assessments & exams.

Below is CIPP Curriculum Summary

2. Certified International Advanced Procurement Professional (CIAPP)

The CIAPP program is designed for more seasoned procurement professionals who want to improve on their tactical skills and seek to evolve to a more strategic or managerial position within a procurement department. 

In addition to the topics covered in CIPP certification the CIAPP certification program focuses on more strategic topics such as category management, supplier relationship management, etc. have a more prominent place in the curriculum.

Here are the Competence Levels required for CIAPP Certification.

CIAPP is offered fully online with 12 Months unlimited access. Includes 114 courses with total seat time of 107 hours, simulations, application based tasks, quizes, assessments & exams.

Below is CIPP Curriculum Summary

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