Practical & Real-Life Purchasing & Procurement Training Courses

All the Training Courses Below Are Conducted Worldwide by World-Class Experts for Purchasing, Procurement & Sourcing Teams of 10 or More People.

If You are Looking for a Specific Training Topic on Purchasing, Procurement, Sourcing, Contracts etc, But Can't Find it Here, Contact Us or Call for Priority Response at +1-312-300-8968. We Customize & Create New Training Programs Based on Clients' Requests & Requirements.

Download Our In-House Training Catalog

Includes a Summary 30 Plus Courses From Strategic Sourcing, Negotiations, Cost Management, Supplier Relations, Category management, Contracts Up to Legal Aspects in Procurement, Finance Concepts for Procurement etc. Those Who Are Looking for a Comprehensive List of Purchasing & Procurement Training Courses Should Start Here!

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Expert Strategic Sourcing

The Expert Strategic Sourcing Program fully equips class participants to efficiently administer all the elements in the Strategic Sourcing Process. It especially helps groups which already possess solid sourcing skills, move to an Advanced Level of Sourcing Competency.

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Advanced Procurement Negotiations

There are many seminars, books, & video series today about the subject of “Procurement Negotiations”. However this 2 Day Training Program is Conducted by an Expert who has negotiated & achieved over a quarter Billion dollars savings for Bank of America. Consistently praised by participants for teaching & developing advanced negotiations skills for procurement professionals.

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From Tactical to World Class Procurement

A Strategic Program full of dynamic instructions, with 17  interesting case studies, interactive group exercises and ready-made templates, checklists and examples. Upon completion of the program, you will possess knowledge, strategic insights and tools to bring yourself and your organisation to world class procurement practices.

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Cost Price Analysis in Procurement

This 2 Day program will fully expose, clarify, & illustrate what it takes to conduct cost & price analysis. All done through an 80% application with examples & exercises, and only 20% explanation. Includes Samples, Templates & Checklists. 

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Technology Contracting

Discover the ins & outs of the technology providers’ environment where the supplier industry wants to use its own contract paper & how to navigate through these challenges to improve the quality and content of the technology agreements you enter into.  Includes Case Studies, Checklists, Templates & Examples.

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If You Could Not Find the Specific Topic You Are Looking for, Contact Us or Call for Priority Response at +1-312-300-8968. We Customize & Create New Training Programs Based on Clients' Requests & Requirements.

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About Purchasing & Procurement Center 

Purchasing & Procurement Center is the Premier Center for Practical & Real-Life Procurement Trainings & Certifications.

Trusted by 60,000 professionals globally who visit our website monthly, 17,000 plus active members, 6,000 plus Linkedin followers & over 1,000 paid learners from the corporate world, Purchasing & Procurement Center is the only resource our clients would ever need to build and train individual & team procurement skills to world class levels. 

Our Experts provide strategies for almost everything related to procurement from cost management, strategic sourcing, negotiations up to category management, stakeholder engagement and much more so that to bring procurement to where it truly belongs - a respected & strategic unit that contributes to the bottom line.

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