How To Become An Exceptional Procurement Manager? 

Essential Procurement & Professional Skills That A Procurement Manager Cannot Do Without

45 Minutes - Online Class/Webinar
Join for Free but Limited to 100 Online participants

The Presenter

Michael Gozzo  - CSCP, CPIM Certified from APICS - distinguished supply chain & procurement guru, established author - Just in Time Purchasing, Made in America, Supplier Certification - "Who's Who in American Manufacturing".

The Online Class/Webinar in a Nutshell

Here's what Michael will expose during the online class:

  • The Myth & Reality of Procurement
  • Are you an Opportunist, Diplomat, Achiever or ...?
  • The fallacy of "consistent leadership" that leads to "If you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail"
  • How Procurement - regardless of what you buy - is the same across the board - NO, your procurement is NOT different regardless of the industry you're in. Michael says: "all work is a ... (one word only, revealed in the online class/webinar)

Despite the fact that this is a free online class/webinar the content is drawn from paid classroom trainings that Purchasing & Procurement Center Clients pay thousands of dollars to attend in person.

What Do You Do Next?

2 Options:

Option 1 - Register for this Online Class by Selecting the Date & Time on the right.

Option 2- Don't register and continue doing the same things as before.

If this is your option while we're not saying that this 45 minutes online class will transform your career (after all this is only 45 minutes), but you might be the subject of Albert Einstein quote:

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"

And that's our style - we tell things that you might not want to hear, but desperately need to.


Purchasing & Procurement Center Inc.

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