Online Procurement Training Courses

Procurement Mastery & Advanced Mastery E-Learning/Online Training Programs

The Only Procurement E-Learning Program in the Market that is Practical, with Real-Life Examples, Simulations & PDF Notes

2 Structured Procurement E-Learning Programs catering to new aspiring procurement executive and the experienced procurement professionals for further skills building & career advancement.

If you’re looking for customized online procurement training/e-learning for teams of 10 and more, go here.


1. Procurement Mastery

The Procurement Mastery program is ideal for procurement executives in non-managerial positions. It takes a generalist approach on procurement, concentrating on the fundamentals of procurement.

It will allow you to understand the key processes in procurement and help build the professional knowledge and competences that employers are looking for.

It includes 65 modules of e-courses, simulations and application based tasks with total seat time of 63 hours. You will have unlimited access to all the modules for 12 months. You can complete the program at anytime within this 12 months period. An average study time would be +/- 5 hours per month.

See under Details below for Competences, Levels & Learning Plan/List of Courses Included in Procurement Mastery

2. Advanced Procurement Mastery

This advanced program is best suited for those who have experience in procurement and likely are in a supervisory position.

As this program is designed for the more seasoned procurement professionals, it will help you improve on your tactical skills evolving to a more strategic or managerial position within a procurement department.

It includes 113 e-courses, simulations & application based tasks with total seat time of 106 hours. It will typically take 18 months to complete (+/- 5 hours of study/month).

See under Details below for Competences, Levels & Learning Plan/List of Courses Included in Advanced Procurement Mastery


These programs are delivered completely online and are self-directed. You can learn wherever and whenever you see fit, at your own pace.

The course material consists of highly interactive e-learning, online simulations, reading assignments and application-based tasks.

These all have one thing in common: as opposed to the more theoretical courses, these courses are scenario-based and designed to be applied in practice. They are practical courses that are relevant to your everyday experiences on the job.

6 Reasons Why You Should Enroll?

This online learning is based on cognitive intelligence which facilitates effortless learning. It delivers a learning effect that not only matches that of classroom training but goes beyond it with scenario based e-learning, simulations, application based tasks, refreshers, quizes and assessments, ensuring that you not only learn but you retain the knowledge in your long term memory and apply it in your day to day job.

i. Scenario Based E-learning

Based on cognitive load theory it ensures that the knowledge you gain will flow seamlessly into your long-term memory. You will be able to reconstruct the course structure and important content quite easily as it has been put in schemas in your long-term memory.

ii. Simulations

You will have the opportunity to apply the concepts learned. In various simulations you are asked to make decisions & given immediate feedback on those decisions, so that you rehearse what you learn in a real life scenario but without the dangers of making a mistake in real life.  

iii. Application based assignments

Immediate application of key learning’s on the job. You will have a number of short job related assignments, in line with your program.  Deliverables are 1 page reports such as “writing a category strategy” or “report on RFP process”.

iv. Refreshers 

After watching the scenario Based E-Learning modules, you will go through a Very Concise Summary of Key Principles. For example scenario based e-courses on strategic sourcing are 5 hours learning, whereas refreshers are only 25 minutes. Great to refresh your memory, recap what you learned, or simply as a quick summary when you need something fast.

v. In-Course Exercises

Build Retention & easily remember what you learn through engagement & participation throughout each e-learning module

 iv. Built In Notes/Summaries in PDF

Each e-course has a quick summary in PDF that you can download or print for easy review. These take less than 5 minutes to read but help in increased retention of what you learned.

Take a Test Drive!

Watch dozens samples of various modules. Go to this link to watch them

Then judge for yourself the high quality of these modules that will help your procurement mastery.

How Much?

There is one-off charge that covers all of the costs for a given program. There are no hidden fees or extras.

Procurement Mastery = $/USD 1,795 

12 Months unlimited access

  • Unlimited access to all the courses
  • 65 Course-modules with total seat time of 63 hours
  • Certificate of Completion

Advanced Procurement Mastery = $/USD 2,495

18 Months unlimited access

  • Unlimited access to all courses
  • 113 Course-modules with total seat time of 106 hours
  • Certificate of Completion


Learning Plan/Courses  Included in Procurement Mastery Program

Learning Plan/Courses  Included in Advanced Procurement Mastery Program

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