The Premier Online Procurement Certification Programs!

CIPP & CIAPP International Procurement Certification & Coaching Programs Put a Boost to Your Skills, Career & Income!

Gain an Accredited International Procurement Certification Without Reading Books & Without Travelling That Will Equip You with World Class Skills & Global Best Procurement Practices to Excel in Your Job, Produce Bottom Line Results & Increase Chances of Promotion & Higher Income!

Practical & Professional Certification Programs for 2 Levels:

Certified International Procurement Professional (CIPP)
For Aspiring Non-Managerial Purchasing & Procurement Professionals 

Certified International Advanced Procurement Professional (CIAPP)
For Skilled Managers, Directors & Other Senior Level Executives & Procurement Leaders

Well worth the time and value investment.  Though I have had experience ... the lessons and principles learnt from [the program] has helped to broaden my mind, thoughts and analysis.

... in the end, I am confident that I am better placed to deliver and exceed expectations at work and personal engagements. 

Adebisi Shonekan - Senior Commercial Operations Manager - Baker Hughes - CIPP Certification


Purchasing & Procurement Center (PPC) brings 2 certification programs with well balanced learning plans - CIPP & CIAPP. When you join either of these certification programs you are joining a program with a rigorous set of established standards and competencies for procurement executives. 

The uniqueness of CIPP & CIAPP certifications is that they cater to both - new aspiring procurement executive and the experienced procurement professionals for further career advancement. 

The designations are recognized credentials throughout the world. Once attained they indicate achievement at certain level of world class knowledge, skills and competences for the procurement professional.

Become a High Performer with CIPP & CIAPP:
The Superior Online Procurement Certifications!

'Busy-Proof' Procurement Certification Program!

Build for the busy executives, the ground-breaking content & 21st century learning tools & technologies for CIPP & CIAPP are short, sharp & straight to the point so you can immediately apply the strategies the same day. Making it easy for even the busiest person.

1 Hour of Learning with CIPP/CIAPP equals 4 hours of classroom training & includes the following:

  • Scenario-Based E-Learning

Highest Form of Learning with Strong Visuals & Superior Scripting, where you observe and apply. Simultaneously targets Audio & Visual Brain so that learning is stored in the Long-Term memory for later recall. Over 90% of Learners Satisfied.

The scenario based E-learning helped me to have a better understanding. [I liked most] the visual scenario and recap in every page … [and instances] where you can apply in our daily procurement activities

Erick Beron - Purchasing Supervisor - WASL Group

The full course [scenario-based e-learning & simulations are] very much relevant to my work. Will start planning and apply the game theory to get maximum gain to our organisation.

Jose Dias - Asst. Purchasing Officer - Dubai Golf

  • Built In Key-Notes/Summaries 

After each Lesson, download short & easy to review keynotes in PDF (less than 5 minutes to read) to increase retention.

  • In-Course Exercises & Quizzes 

Help to Better Retain learning through Engagement & Participation during the  Learning.

Start by Downloading Your CIPP & CIAPP Certification E-Bundle! Includes:

  • CIPP/CIAPP Certification Official Brochure!
  • Free Trial Access to Online Samples for CIPP/CIAPP!

  • Real-Life Simulations!

Real Life Problems faced by Procurement Executives where learners are given the opportunity to apply the concepts learned. Learners are put in a scenario where they are asked to make decisions & given immediate feedback on those decisions so that mistakes happen in a safe & learning environment not in real life. 

Applying a real situation to the simulation examples was great in helping me learn to apply the information correctly and with the greatest impact …  The examples were great as well.  … I feel great about the whole process and have learnt so much.

Karen Lawton - Buyer - Parkbridge Lifestyle Communities, Canada - CIAPP Certification

  • Application Based Tasks

All the learning leads to applying what you learn on the job. Ensuring immediate application of key learning's on the job, you will have a number of short job related assignments. Deliverables are 1 page reports such as “writing a category strategy” or “report on RFP process” or "Attend a Negotiation Event".

Very good balance between course content and additional knowledge and experience...  [I like] the practical examples  & the easy explanation ... It was perfect for its purpose. All of it can be applied to my current job. 

Dimitar Stefanov Dimitrov - Service Delivery Manager - Telenor, Bulgaria - CIAPP Certification

The e-learning & simulations contributed a great deal when doing assignments. They are so informative & articulate. I honestly cant say enough good things about this program! These courses have made me better in all facets of procurement. Looking back now, I was not as educated as I thought I was in a lot of areas of procurement. These courses have taken me to a whole new level of understanding and has given me so much more confidence when conducting my day to day routine. 

Ernie Ethier - Buyer - Parkbridge Lifestyle Communities, Canada - CIAPP Certification

Start by Downloading Your CIPP & CIAPP Certification E-Bundle! Includes:

  • CIPP/CIAPP Certification Official Brochure!
  • Free Trial Access to Online Samples for CIPP/CIAPP!

How Does It Work?

The CIPP certification is open to all procurement executives who are active in a procurement, contract management or category management role without requiring any long experience on the job. 

However for those who want to enter the advanced CIAPP program, it is beneficial to have:

- a Master’s degree, or 

- at the least a Bachelors degree together with a minimum of five years’ relevant experience in a procurement role or in a Managerial position and above. 

The learning plans leading to CIPP & CIAPP certification are well-balanced learning plans for two procurement-professional profiles of different experience levels. 

Completely Online 

These programs are delivered completely online and are essentially self-directed allowing you to study at your own pace. You can learn wherever and whenever you see fit, at your own pace. A dedicated support team is there to help you and to make sure that you do not fall behind on your schedule. 

The course materials & methodology is highly interactive and have one thing in common: as opposed to the more theoretical courses, these courses are scenario-based and designed to be applied in practice. They are practical courses that are relevant to your everyday experiences on the job. 

Comprehensive, Yet Step-by-Step Program!

Overwhelmed at the thought of becoming a high performer and achieving your career goals? Don't be!

The CIPP/CIAPP programs is designed to be comprehensive, yet it is easy to digest & easy-to-apply. You won't get overwhelmed to learn everything at once, as each lesson & module builds upon the next.

Start by Downloading Your CIPP & CIAPP Certification E-Bundle! Includes:

  • CIPP/CIAPP Certification Official Brochure!
  • Free Trial Access to Online Samples for CIPP/CIAPP!

The CIPP program is typically aimed at people who are starting their career in procurement, concentrating on the fundamentals of procurement. 

The CIPP program is ideal for buyers looking for a first professional certification. It will allow you to understand the key processes in procurement and help build the professional knowledge and competences that employers are looking for.

Suited better for those who are not in a Managerial position or have less than 5 years experience

The CIAPP program is designed for more seasoned procurement professionals who want to go beyond tactical skills and seek to evolve to a more strategic position within a procurement department.

Usually CIAPP is more suitable for Managers, Directors & Senior Level Executives in procurement and those who have 5 or more years experience. 

Download Brochure + Free Trial Access to CIPP & CIAPP Samples

To get started update your contact details below. Then you'll receive the official Brochure where we outline in full about CIPP & CIAPP requirements, topics & duration for each program, investment fees and how to enroll/register.

Plus we'll email you the link to Access the Free Trial Samples for CIPP & CIAPP Certification

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