Unlocking the Procurement Potential Podcast:
How to Attract, Build & Retain Talents in Procurement!

With Akhil Kapoor:

Head Novartis Global Service Center & Head of Procurement at Novartis!

Some "Golden Nuggets" from the Podcast ...

  • Minute 5:00 – Why CFO/CEO call Procurement the “Necessary Evil”?
  • Minute 8:01 – Typical Mindset of CFO/CEO towards Procurement!
  • Minute 12:01 - the No. 1 skill procurement must have!
  • Minute 15:00 – How to connect your procurement skills with the business? Regardless of the industry you’re in! Whether Pharma, Banking or Telco or for that matter any other industry!
  • Minute 15:15 – What Novartis does to get procurement aligned with end-users and understand the overall business the company is in?
  • Minute 16:30 – What Language Procurement Needs to talk?
  • Minute 18.10 – The 3 Steps Approach to take When Building Procurement Skills Academy! The exact same approach we implement with our clients when Building their Procurement Academies.
  • Minute 20:00 – What else to do, after an employee attends a procurement training?

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