Procurement Videos on Demand

Contract Status Report Clause

Financial vs Managerial Accounting For Procurement

This short video is from a closed door presentation during our course on Contract Administration. Attended by Contracts & Procurement Professionals from some of the largest organisations in the world, who paid up to USD 4,000 to be in the room.

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Leadership & Management in Procurement

Financial vs Managerial Accounting For Procurement

These 3 videos are short in nature, but what you learn is a 4 steps to effective leadership in procurement. In this series we focus on what a procurement leader and manager needs to do to implement the right systems.

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Cost Analysis For Buyers

Financial vs Managerial Accounting For Procurement

These 3 videos are short - less than 10 minutes each, but what you learn in each will give you a tremendous advantage when finding out & analysing supplier's costing.

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The Truth About Purchasing Negotiations

Financial vs Managerial Accounting For Procurement

Find out this 3 part video series for the 7 steps to negotiate with your suppliers, what are the 3 Myths of Negotiations and learn why procurement has been restrained from negotiating successfully

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Financial vs Managerial Accounting For Procurement

Financial vs Managerial Accounting For Procurement

Find out in this short video which to pay attention to - with Award Winning Author Daniel Feiman - CMC© Award from Institute of Management Consultants

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Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) For Procurement

Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) For Procurement

This Video on Demand Explains what is EOQ And How that helps procurement to minimize indirect costs!

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3 Financial Management Goals Procurement Must Know

Financial Management Goals Procurement

With Award Winning Author Daniel Feiman - CMC© Award from Institute of Management Consultants

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Finance vs Accounting For Procurement

Finance vs Accounting For Procurement

Understand the difference between finance vs accounting and what does that mean for procurement!

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Tender Management Process

Finance vs Accounting For Procurement

This short video (13 minutes) provides a 10,000 feet overview of the whole pre-tender and tender process. 

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Procurement Best Practices

Finance vs Accounting For Procurement

This video presentation shows 14 World class & Procurement best practices which you need to implement to become a world class purchasing & procurement organization. 

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Purchasing Savings Video Presentation

Finance vs Accounting For Procurement

This Video presentation shows an actual example of a company where the Procurement Head showed the CFO & CEO how a 5% savings ($8 Million) equalled a $54 Million increase in sales.

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Purchasing Managers Responsibilities & Roles

Finance vs Accounting For Procurement

This video describes what are the 2 Purchasing Managers responsibilities & roles - they simply relate to first being strategic and how to decide the best aspect of a deal when buying from your suppliers.

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How to Do Spend Analysis

Finance vs Accounting For Procurement

The video below shows how to do spend analysis for your suppliers, which results in A, B & C category classification of your suppliers.

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Winning Supplier Negotiations: Who Really Wins & Why?

Finance vs Accounting For Procurement

This Video presentation shows that the person who actually wins the negotiations is the person who is most …. (the video will tell you this single word that really makes the difference between winning and losing).

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Purchase Price Index – Are you Doing a Good Job?

Finance vs Accounting For Procurement

This Video presentation shows in details how to plot a chart of a purchase price index and find out whether you are resisting price increase or just going along with it.

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