Special Report Shows Strategies to Successfully Negotiate with Suppliers, Get Better Prices & Terms, Without Being a Pain in Their Back!

Get Your Digital Copy & Discover:

  • The main disadvantage Buyers have vis-à-vis Suppliers!
  • The Biggest Mistake Buyers make in most negotiations (and they never realize this)
  • The main strategy suppliers/sellers use to win negotiations even before they start (and how you can easily stop it).
  • What is one of the top things you must have before you negotiate with your suppliers?
  • Who are the suppliers that you really need to negotiate with (and those who you don't really need to)?
  • The 6 Steps to write a successful negotiation letter to your supplier? (sample letter also included)
  • What do you need to prepare before negotiations?
  • The 3 'innocent' questions suppliers ask, which takes away most of your negotiation power & How to Counter Them Effectively?

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