Rating, Measuring & Evaluating Supplier Performance

Rating Measuring Evaluating
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Before finding out more about this supplier management program on Rating, Measuring & Evaluating Supplier Performance, ask this question:

What is the real cost of poor supplier risk management?

According to a recent research project by the Procurement Strategy Council (PSC), procurement organizations pay, on average, an additional 4% to resolve a supply incident stemming from supplier financial distress. If you multiply that by the 60 such incidents the average procurement organization sees each year, then you've got yourself a pretty hefty price tag.

What specifically accounts for that 4% cost increase? According to the PSC's research, those costs come in several forms, including supplier product line or facility closures; reduction in quality standards; and supplier qualification, certification, rating, measurement, and evaluation.

This supplier management program Rating, Measuring, & Evaluating Supplier Performance, can provide you with the tools and methods that will help you rate, measure and evaluate your suppliers' performance effectively, enabling you to mitigate supply chain.

For full details & brochure for this supplier management program, as well as when & where it may be conducted, simply fill in your details on the right.

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