Advanced Procurement Skills for Managers


Revolutionary, Real-Life & Practical  Online Procurement Training Includes Advanced Learning in Strategic Sourcing, Negotiations & Category Management.


The Advanced Procurement Skills for Managers Training Course is based on the Principle of Learning by doing - Execution. Unlike other online programs, this Advanced E-learning Course includes the latest cutting-edge learning tools & methodologies that help you learn by observing different challenging scenarios procurement faces and how to solve those challenges with hands-on high impact e-learning, in-course exercises/quizes & simulations. All together help you use what you learn in your day to day job.

Once Enrolled You will get login details for unlimited 6 Months access to learn at your own pace. You can complete the program faster if you dedicate more time to learning. However you will get unlimited access to each program.

Length of Program = 16 hours High Impact E-Learning.

Because of the revolutionary & cutting-edge learning tools & methodologies with scripted scenarios & simulations, this advanced training program equals to 64 Class Educational Hours (CEH), which is 8 Days of Traditional Class Training.

Unlike Any Other “Online Training” Programs You’ve Ever Experienced In the Past!?

This advanced training is NOT just another training. Yes, there is content and training, but at its heart, this is a "learning-by-doing" training focused on execution, not academic learning.

Built with the latest cutting-edge learning tools & technologies you will naturally move towards using what you learn in your day to day basis.

Built for the experienced executives & Managers, the Advanced Procurement Skills for Managers training includes advanced topics on Strategic Sourcing, Risk Management, Portfolio & Supplier Relationship Analysis, Negotiations, Game Theory, Cognitive Bias, Using Neuro-Linguistic Programing (NLP) to Influence Stakeholders, Category Management & more.

When you enroll, you will study less but learn more, because all the course is No-Fluff, No-Nonsense & Non-Academic Learning, with 3 tools & methodologies that ensure you learn-by-doing & use what you learn in your day to day job ...

1. Scenario-Based E-Learning

You Learn by observing real-life scenarios & challenges faced in procurement with suppliers and other stake-holders. 

Follow/Shadow the Expert

Imagine now if you could shadow an expert, look how he/she is applying ...

  • In real-life scenarios with suppliers and stakeholders
  • Best practices in a simple, structured way. 
  • Using a hands-on easy-to-understand language.

That is how our Scenario Based E-Learning Courses have been designed, so that you observe and you apply.

2. Simulations

Simulations represent Real Life Problems faced by Procurement Executives, where you are given the opportunity to apply the concepts learned. You are put in a scenario where you need to make decisions & given immediate feedback on those decisions. 

Make the wrong decision and feedback/guidance is given hinting you at the correct decision until you make the right decision and move forward in the simulation. 

3. Online Exercises & Quizes

In-course Exercises & Quizes help remember what you learn through engagement & participation during the e-learning. 

As you move through each e-course you will answer questions - when you answer correctly you re-enforce what you just learned. But even when you answer wrongly you will be shown explanations as to why you answer was wrong and guided to the right answer. This reinforces learning even more, as we learn more from our mistakes than from our successes. 

The Advanced Procurement Skills for Managers training course is NOT another hack or tactic. Yes, we will give you access to many tactics, but the goal of each program is more  than that - You will get a clear road-map of WHAT to do & HOW to do it.

If what you have tried in the past hasn’t worked, and you’re ready for something different, then this is probably for you. But while this may be ideal for many, it certainly is NOT for everyone…

WHO Should Enroll the Advanced Procurement Skills Training?

  • For Experienced Executives!

As this is an advanced program, you need to have at least 5 years experience in procurement or in a managerial/leadership position or ideally both. While those that don't have this experience may join, they will not benefit as much. Instead consider starting  with Fundamental Procurement Skills Online Training Here

  • You Must Set the Time Aside to Learn & Implement!

Do you have about 60 minutes a week set aside to actually learn? And Use the Simulations in the Work-Place? 

If not, then you likely won’t find success with this, or any other program. 

If You like what you see and you're ready to take the next step, enroll below ...


The Advanced Procurement Skills Training is a combination of our 3 Advanced Courses on Strategic Sourcing, Negotiations and Category Management.

Length of Program = 16 hours High Impact E-Learning,  Equivalent to 64 Class Educational Hours (CEH), which is 8 Days of Traditional Class Training.

Below is a quick summary, followed by the full outline.

Module 1:  Advanced Strategic Sourcing Skills

Module 1 helps  Experienced Professionals Who Want to Become Effective Sourcing Specialists & Master Advanced Strategies to Move to a Higher Level of Sourcing. 

Some of the topics include:

  • Supplier Relationship Analysis
  • Risk Management
  • Supplier Selection
  • Specifications
  • Market & Portfolio Analysis
  • eSourcing & eRFI
  • Needs Assessment  & More.

Module 2: Advanced Negotiations Skills

Module 2 You is for Seasoned Negotiators who want to  How to Build Advanced Negotiation Skills Through Real-Life Scenarios & Simulations.

Take your skills to the next level & learn to employ concepts such as:

  • Game Theory
  • Cognitive Bias in Negotiations
  • Using Cognitive bias in your favor
  • Using NLP &  Emotional Intelligence to influence stakeholders & suppliers
  • Resolving Conflicts

Module 3: Category Management Skills

This extensive & thorough module will teach and embed world-class category management content, like:

  • Category Strategy Development & Implementation
  • Category Analysis
  • Using Category Management Tools
  • Generating Strategic Options
  •  Opportunity Analysis
  • Opportunity Scan, STPS, SWOT
  • Business Requirements
  • Determining Potential Sources of Leverage
  •  Contingency Planning
  • Change Management
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Module 1: Advanced Strategic Sourcing Skills

Course 1 - Supplier Relationship Analysis - 30 Minutes

  • Position suppliers inside the supplier preferences table.
  • Defining and manage supplier relationships.

Course 2  - Risk Management - 30 Minutes

  • Risk assessment & Risk management.
  • Contingency planning.

Course 3 - Supplier Selection - 30 Minutes

  • Running the RFP process to award the business to the best quality, service and total cost supplier.

Course 4 - Contracting  - 30 Minutes

  • Awarding the business contract.
  • Main principles for contracting.

Course 5 - eSourcing Part 1 - 30 Minutes

  • What is eSourcing & the benefits of eSourcing.
  • The four types of functionality in eSourcing tools.
  • How to build and manage eRFIs.
  • How to Build an eRFP. eRFP lot strategy.

Course 6 - eSourcing Part 2 - 30 Minutes

  • eSourcing within a sound process.
  • Manage eRFPs.
  • Validate offers.
  • Prepare an eAuction & types of eAuctions.
  • How to build an eAuction. eAuction lot strategy.
  • Managing eAuctions. Evaluate eAuction results and awarding.
  • Supplier benefits of eSourcing. eContracts.
  • When to use which eSourcing functionalities.

Microlearning 1 - Specification - 5 Minutes

  • Reminds learners that the key to significantly lowering costs is the specification.
  • Task is to help stakeholders find the best way to get the outcome they need at the optimal cost

Microlearning 2 - eSourcing - 5 Minutes

  • Reminder on the keys to success for eAuctions.
  • Task is to use their eSourcing tool for their next sourcing project.

Simulation 1 - Portfolio Analysis part 1 - 10 Minutes

Simulation 2 - Portfolio Analysis part 2 - 10 Minutes

  • Both Simulations provide opportunities on how to execute a Portfolio Analysis.

Simulation 3 - eSourcing part 1 - 10 Minutes

Simulation 4 - eSourcing part 2 - 10 Minutes

  • Both Simulations provide opportunities on how to run eSourcing projects

Simulation 5 - How to Run an eRFI - 10 Minutes

Simulation 6 - How to Analyze Supplier Relationship Analysis - 10 Minutes

Simulation 7 - How to Run an eAuction - 10 Minutes

Simulation 8 - How to apply Supplier Relationship Analysis to become a better customer - 10 Minutes

Simulation 9 - How to Execute Needs Assessment - 10 Minutes

Simulation 10 - How to Choose the Contract type - 10 Minutes

Simulation 11 - How to Conduct Market Analysis - 10 Minutes

Simulation 12 - Risk Management - 10 Minutes

Module 2: Advanced Negotiations Skills

Course 1 - Game Theory - 45 Minutes

  • View the negotiation from the supplier’s perspective.
  • Design the game such that it is in the supplier’s interest to deliver the result that you want.
  • Make your negotiation approach credible
  • Predict supplier’s behavior & Deliver the result.

Microclass 1 - Game Theory - 5 Minutes

Simulation 1 - Game Theory - 10 Minutes

Course 2 - Biases in Negotiations part 1- 30 Minutes

  • Learn how bias costs your organization money.
  • Which cognitive biases affect negotiation results?
  • Correct the systematic errors that we all make.

Course 3 - Biases in Negotiations part 2 - 30 Minutes

  • Learner is shown an interactive scenarios and must identify bias. 
  • Once identified, learn how to avoid the bias in your own team and how to use the supplier's bias in your own advantage.

MicroClass 2 -  Bias in Negotiations - 5 Minutes

Simulation 2 -  How to Avoid bias in a decommissioning negotiation - 10 Minutes

Simulation 3 - How to Use cognitive bias in your favor - 10 Minutes

Course 4 - Using NLP to influence stakeholders part 1 - 30 Minutes

Influence stakeholders (or suppliers) using Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Step 1:

  • Analyze and improve yourself. 
  • Resolving conflict & Choose how you respond to situations.

Course 5 - Using NLP to influence stakeholders part 2 - 30 Minutes

Step 2:

  • Read and influence others to improve collaboration. Build rapport. 
  • The four habits to improve confidence, tenacity and productivity.

MicroClass 3 - Using Emotional Intelligence to influence stakeholders & suppliers - 5 Minutes

Simulation 4 - How to Use NLP to Improve Yourself - 10 Minutes

Simulation 5 - How to Use NLP to Resolve Conflict - 10 Minutes

Simulation 6 - How to Use NLP to Influence Others - 10 Minutes

Module 3: Category Management Skills

Course 1 - Spend Analysis - 45 Minutes

  • How to collect and segment spend on suppliers.
  • Why and how to do a spend analysis.
  • The opportunity scan.

Course 2 - Introduction to Category Management - 45 Minutes

  • Definition of category management.
  • Difference between sourcing and category management.
  • Program governance and steering groups.
  • The five key principles of category management.

Course 3 - Category Management – The Initiation Phase - 45 Minutes

  • The Ten Steps of Category Management - securing the executive sponsor, scoping the category, defining the project charter, gaining first insight, securing quick wins etc.

Course 4 - Category Analysis - 45 Minutes

  • Internal data gathering & supply chain mapping,
  • Mastering supply market competitiveness (Porter 5 forces),
  • PEST analysis,  determining potential sources of leverage, etc.

Course 5 - Category Strategy Development - 45 Minutes

  • SWOT analysis & Generating ideas.
  • Creation of the category strategy.

Course 6 - Category Strategy Implementation - 45 Minutes

  • The change curve & Scoping update,
  • Detailed implementation plan, award criteria etc

Course 7 - Continuous Improvement - 45 Minutes

  • Role of the category manager.
  • Six Sigma and DMAIC.
  • The continuous improvement cycle: lessons learned, defining to start-up the process again.

Microlearning 1 - Using Category Management Tools - 5 Minutes

  • Reminds learners that the purpose of category management tools such as the Kraljic matrix are about developing insight rather than checking boxes.
  • Provides tips on presenting a category strategy. Task is to create a category strategy presentation.

Microlearning 2  - Opportunity Analysis - 5 Minutes

  • Reminds learners of the factors they should use to determine the best value improvement opportunities for category management projects.
  • Task is to prioritize (or re-prioritize) your category management projects.

Simulation 1 - Spend Analysis - 10 Minutes

Simulation 2 - Opportunity Scan - 10 Minutes

Simulation 3 - STP - 10 Minutes

Simulation 4 - SWOT - 10 Minutes

Simulation 5 - Generating Strategic Options - 10 Minutes

Simulation 6 - Business Requirements - 10 Minutes

Simulation 7 - Implementation Planning - 10 Minutes

Simulation 8 - Mastering Supply Market Competitiveness - 10 Minutes

Simulation 9 - Determining Potential Sources of Leverage - 10 Minutes

Simulation 10 - Contingency Planning - 10 Minutes

Simulation 11 - Creating the Category Strategy - 10 Minutes

Simulation 12 - Change Management - 10 Minutes

Simulation 13 - Defining Specifications - 10 Minutes

How Does  It Work?

This program is completely online. Here are the steps:

  • Register & Pay 
  • We will Give Your Account Username & Password 
  • Login Anytime (24/7) & Start the Online Learning Program
  • Unlimited Access & Reviews Within 6 Months

3 Cutting-Edge 21st Century Learning Tools & Methodologies:

Unlike other programs, we use the latest cutting-edge 21st century learning tools & methodologies at every stage of your learning process so that you:

First -  Learn Concepts with:

  • Scenario Based E-Learning (20 to 30 minutes each course)

Second - Recap, Remember & Internalize that knowledge through:

  • Online Exercises/Quizes

Finally - Apply what you learn in your day to day job and show improvements with:

  • Real-Life Simulations (10 minutes) 

All fully aligned with each other. Here's what our client says about simulations and scenario-based e-learning ...

[online simulations] were helpful because they gave a few examples so I could apply the situations to our world easily and gave great tips along the way on how to use the tools. Applying a real situation to the simulation examples was great in helping me learn to apply the information correctly and with the greatest impact ... The examples were great as well.  

Karen Lawton - Buyer - Parkbridge Lifestyle Communities

Well Worth the Value Investment. Before the simulations, I am 90% confident that I have fully grasped the lessons and principles. Then comes the humbling simulations :), ... I often found myself going back to review and get better understanding. It's one thing to know the principles, application is a different challenge as scenarios change and can be complex. But in the end, I am confident that I am better placed to deliver and exceed expectations at work and personal engagements.  Practice and Utilization of skills will aid continuous improvement for excellence.

Adebisi Shonekan - Senior Commercial Operations Manager - Baker Hughes

he full course [scenario-based e-learning & simulations are] very much relevant to my work. Will start planning and apply the game theory to get maximum gain to our organisation.

Jose Dias - Asst. Purchasing Officer - Dubai Golf

The Program is Interesting, Comprehensive, Easy to Understand, Easy to Learn & Cost Efficient. It Exceeded my Expectations for Online Training! I believe that in the near future the program will help me will increase my chances of promotion, pay raise or new job opportunity.

Very good balance between course content and additional knowledge and experience...  [I like] the practical examples ...  perfect for its purpose.[I like] the practical orientation of the simulations [and] ... contents of the course, they are what I need currently.

The summarized guidelines in the notes document will be a good tool for refreshing the negotiations tactics & approaches. This knowledge is directly applicable for any negotiations situations.

All of it can be applied to my current job.  

Dimitar Stefanov Dimitrov - Service Delivery Manager - Telenor, Bulgaria

At the end, you will have built your skills and used what you learned many times at work, so that whenever you are faced with problems in the future, you will instinctively know how to manage and solve such problems. 

If you want to dominate in procurement, if you want to learn what really works and if you want to develop a skill set that will be valuable to your current company and companies in the future, then enrolling with the special offers below, is the first step.

Have Questions or Clarifications?

Contact Us Here to Leave a Message or Call Directly at +1-312-300-8968

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