Win-Win Procurement Negotiations Online Training

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Cutting-Edge Online Training on Procurement Negotiations Shows with Real-Life Scenarios & Simulations How to Negotiate with Suppliers for Better Prices & Terms

Why Win-Win Procurement Negotiations Online Training from Purchasing & Procurement Center?

No Fluff, No-NonSense, No-Academic Learning. Includes 3 Cutting-Edge, Practical Learning Tools & Methodologies:

1. Scenario Based-E-Learning

2. Real-Life Simulations

3. Micro-Learning

Ensuring You have a real-life experience & providing Effective Learning You can Use at Work.

But let's forget all the technical stuff for a moment and go back to the time you were in college:

Do you believe that listening to a professor would enable you to apply what you have learned?

Or watching basic power-point kind of videos, lecturing you?

Follow/Shadow the Procurement Expert

Imagine now if you could shadow an expert, look how he/she is applying – in real-life scenarios with suppliers and stakeholders – best practices in a simple, structured way. Using a hands-on language. What do you think, wouldn’t that help you more?

That is how our Procurement Negotiations e-courses have been designed.

The scenario based E-learning helped me to have a better understanding … [I liked most] the visual scenario and recap in every page … [and instances] where you can apply in our daily procurement activities

Erick Beron - Purchasing Supervisor - WASL Group, Dubai, UAE

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Win-Win Procurement Negotiations Online Training Summary


6 E-Courses/2 Micro-Learning/3 Simulations

  • Course - Win Win Lose Negotiation
  • Course - Negotiation Preparation
  • Course - How to open a Negotiation
  • Course - How to bargain
  • Course - Closing a Negotiation
  • Course - Negotiation Tips
  • Microlearning - BATNA
  • Microlearning - Critical Issues
  • Simulation - Negotiation Preparation
  • Simulation - Conducting the Negotiation
  • Simulation - Negotiation Serious Game
  • 4 Hours of Online Learning - Equivalent to 16 Continuing Education Hours (CEH) which is 2 Days Class Training
  • 2 Months Unlimited Access
  • USD $497

How Does  It Work?

This program is completely online. Here are the steps:

  • Register & Pay 
  • We will Give Your Account Username & Password 
  • Login Anytime (24/7) & Start the Online Learning Program
  • Watch All Online Scenario Based E-Learning & Related Materials 
  • Complete Simulations

5 Cutting-Edge 21st Century Learning Tools & Methodologies:

Unlike other programs, we use the latest cutting-edge 21st century learning tools & methodologies at every stage of your learning process so that you:

First, Learn Concepts with:

  • Scenario Based E-Learning (20 to 30 minutes each course)

Second, Remember & Internalize that knowledge through:

  • Micro-Courses (5 minutes),
  • PDF Summaries for Reading (5 Minutes),
  • In-course Exercises (1 to 2 minutes) &

Finally apply what you learn in your day to day job and show improvements with:

  • Real-Life Simulations (10 minutes) 

All fully aligned with each other.

Some might not grasp the big distinction that Simulations make. Here's an attempt to 'bridge' the gap. In the words of our client ...

Before the simulations, I am 90% confident that I have fully grasped the lessons and principles. Then comes the humbling simulations :), ... I often found myself going back to review and get better understanding. It's one thing to know the principles, application is a different challenge as scenarios change and can be complex. But in the end, I am confident that I am  better placed to deliver and exceed expectations at work and personal engagements.  

Adebisi Shonekan - Senior Commercial Operations Manager - Baker Hughes

Feedback for Scenario Based E-Learning & CIPP/CIAPP Online Training & Certification

  • 4 Hours of Online Learning - Equivalent to 16 Continuing Education Hours (CEH) which is 2 Days Class Training
  • 2 Months Unlimited Access
  • USD $497

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Win-Win Procurement Negotiations Full Course Details:

Course 1 - Win Win Lose Negotiation - 30 Minutes

  • What is the goal of negotiation: balancing the 5 R’s.
  • What are WIN-WIN negotiations?/When to use?
  • What is your negotiation style: questionnaire to assess your own style.

Course 2 - Negotiation Preparation - 30 Minutes

  • What are critical issues?/Do they relate to internal client needs?
  • Set stretching targets & Determine Walk-away position.
  • Importance of developing other issues to trade.
  • Which suppliers to shortlist for negotiation?
  • What is ZOPA? What is a BATNA?

Course 3 - How to Open a Negotiation - 30 Minutes

  • Positive negotiation climate: why do you need it / what is it?
  • How to understand supplier offer?
  • Listening skills & Standard vocabulary/answers.
  • Taking a position & Importance of summarizing.

Course 4 - How to Bargain - 30 Minutes

  • How to ask the right questions: open/closed/leading/hypothetical questions.
  • Reading the Body Language of your supplier.
  • How to make concessions (who gives first bid, trade minor issues, say yes, …).
  • Tactics: low ball/high ball, what-if, bluffing /bogey/ expose supplier tactics.

Course 5 - Closing a Negotiation - 30 Minutes

  • When to stop bargaining and closing the deal: spot closing signals.
  • Handle last minute objections.
  • Finalize the deal and communicate with internal customer.

Course 6 - Negotiation Tips - 20 Minutes

  • Top 6 negotiation tips & Negotiation Pitfalls.

Micro-Learning - BATNA - 5 Minutes

  • The most important part of negotiation preparation is developing a BATNA.
  • Task is to develop a strong BATNA in your next negotiation.

Micro-Learning - Critical Issues - 5 Minutes

  • Reminds learners to invest their time wisely - by understanding and then delivering their critical issues.
  • Task is for learners to prepare their top three critical issues for their next negotiation.

Simulation 1 - Negotiation Preparation - 10 Minutes

  • How to Prepare for a Negotiation?

Simulation 2 - Conducting the Negotiation - 10 Minutes

  • How to Conduct a Negotiation?

Simulation 3 - Negotiation Serious Game -15 Minutes

Put your negotiation skills to the test with this real life negotiation simulation.

You are placed in the role of a senior buyer for a manufacturing company - FlowGen. You are leading a negotiation with potential Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application suppliers. For each decision you must make, you will earn points - or lose points for incorrect decisions!

The negotiation game tests the skills you have learned throughout the procurement negotiation online training series of high impact e-learning courses.

  • 4 Hours of Online Learning - Equivalent to 16 Continuing Education Hours (CEH) which is 2 Days Class Training
  • 2 Months Unlimited Access
  • USD $497

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Who is This Program For?

The Procurement Negotiations Online Training is for those looking to build fundamental to intermediate skills in Negotiations. This is especially for ...

  • Procurement Executives Who Want to Build Good Skills & Knowledge to Negotiate Effectively with Supplier, Achieve better Prices & Terms. While this is mainly for those new to negotiation, those experienced will also find it as a great refresher, especially with the simulations included. 
  • Suppliers/Vendors/Sales People Who Want to Understand  Their Potential Clients/Buyers Better to Build Long-Lasting Business Relationships.

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