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The Request for Proposal Handbook

600 pages Complete Manual containing the Best RFP Practices, Checklists, Examples, Guidelines to Bullet-Proof & Solve Your RFP Problems

Out-Negotiating Your Suppliers

Strategies to Successfully Negotiate with Suppliers, Get Better Prices & Terms, Without Being a Pain in Their Back!

Fraud in Procurement: Detection & Prevention

How to Improve Reputation & Promote an Ethical Workforce by Implementing Key Strategies that are Simple with Little Time & No Money

Seven Star Purchasing

7 Critical Areas of Excellence that Procurement Directors & Executives Need to Embrace for Success!

Cost Reduction in Purchasing

Effective, Practical & Easy-to-Apply Strategies, Examples & Techniques That Show How To Achieve Cost Reduction in Purchasing

Strategic Sourcing Report

How to Implement a Strategic Sourcing Plan with an Example of a Step-by-Step Outline!

Building Procurement Skills & Competences

Easy-to-Read & Down-to-Earth Special Report Showcases a Strategic Approach to Build Procurement Teams to World Class Skills. Tested & Proven with Hundreds of Teams 

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