From Tactical to World Class Procurement

Supplier & Vendor Risk Management 

Implementing a Solid Vendor Risk Management Process To Reduce Procurement Strategy Risks

2 Days In-House/Onsite Training Program

Executive Summary

This 2 Days Practical & Real-Life Training on Supplier & Vendor Risk Management Shows How to Create & Implement a Solid Supplier Risk Management Process, to Reduce Risks in Future Procurement Strategies.

For Priority Response Call Us at +1-312-300-8968

Why This Training?

Hands On & Interactive - With Exercises, Case Studies, Checklists, Templates & Examples

Unlike other academic programs, this 2 days intensive vendor risk management training is conducted by an expert practitioner with a very hands-on approach, full with no-nonsense and realistic exercises, case studies & examples like…

  • Stakeholder Matrix Example: Probability & Impact Matrix
  • Estimating Probability & Impact of Risk
  • Scenario Planning Emerging Issues 
  • Business Continuity Framework for Key Suppliers
  • Bayesian Network - Illustrating root causes of risk & how they impact the supply chain
  • 25 Risk Interview Questions

Key Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this seminar, participants will know ...

  • 5 Major steps in a Typical Risk Management Process
  • Issues leading to greater supply risk in today’s economies
  • 6 elements of Risk Management Framework
  • 10 barriers to a higher level of risk management
  • 6 Major categorization of risk and many sources of risk in each category
  • 14 risk gathering techniques
  • How to Develop the Risk Register
  • 3 Methods of determining the impact and probability of risk
  • How to Evaluate the risk beyond the 1st tier of the Supply Chain
  • 30 plus risk mitigation categories 
  • What Contract types to use so that to transfer risk
  • How to Develop contingency plans to ensure business continuity
  • 21 definitions of risk term
For Priority Response Call Us at +1-312-300-8968

Summary of 2 Days Agenda

For Full Agenda, Program Leader Profile/Credentials Get Training Brochure


Session 1

First Session deals with the all important aspects of any business, where there should be a formal process, policies, and clear designations of responsibility and accountability.

  • Includes an Example of Stakeholder Matrix

Session 2

This session takes us into the 2nd phase of the process which is to begin to identify the major areas of supplier risk.

  • Includes a Sample of Supplier Risk Register

Session 3

Third session will focus on risk gathering techniques to ensure that we have adequately covered the most significant risks about which we know.

Includes the following exercise, example & sample ...

  • Exercise: Scenario Planning Emerging Issues 
  • Example: Bayesian Network, illustrating root causes of risk & how they impact the supply chain.
  • Sample: 25 Risk Interview Questions

Session 4

This session focusing on going beyond 1st tier suppliers since supply risks occur not only with our immediate suppliers but up and down the supply chain. Yet studies have shown us that most buyers rarely look or communicate beyond the 1st tier of our supply chain. 


Session 5

Determining the probability and impact of a defined risk is critical to deciding the mitigation efforts. Includes ...

  • Example of Probability & Impact Matrix
  • Exercise: Estimating Probability & Impact of Risk

Session 6

This session pick up from session 5 to show where the risk fits in some form of overall ranking or risk matrix.

Session 7

In this session, we will review the classic methods of managing the risk including the contract approaches to control risk. 

Session 8

This last session brings us to the final steps to complete the supplier risk management process, and also address areas that hopefully will reduce or eliminate risks in future procurement strategies. Concludes with an exercise in coming up with

  • Business Continuity Framework for Key Suppliers 

From Tactical to World Class Procurement

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