Advanced Procurement Negotiations Training


Instructor-Led Onsite Training or Live Virtual through Zoom/Teams

Join our 2-day Advanced Procurement Negotiations Training led by expert Mark Trowbridge. Gain practical skills with hands-on exercises, case studies, and role plays.

This Practical Instructor-Led Procurement Negotiations Training is conducted exclusively in-house for teams of 10 or more people. Hands On & Interactive - With Exercises, Case Studies, Checklists, Templates & Examples & 2 in-depth role plays - 1 each day.

How Can I Register? 

Contact Us Here or Call for Priority Response at


What's inside? 

Why Attend Advanced Procurement Negotiations Training?

There are many seminars, books, & video series today about the subject of “Procurement Negotiations”. However, here are 3 special reasons for you to seek this training: 

1. Word Class Instructor

Mark Trowbridge

Mark Trowbridge - CPSM, MCIPS, Lifetime CPM, in his 30 years plus in the profession has held senior positions in the Financial, Airlines, and Manufacturing sectors; culminating as Director of Sourcing & Contracting Management for Bank of America, where he achieved over a quarter Billion dollars savings!

2. Hands On & Interactive Training

This training is full of dynamic instruction, with over 10 interesting case studies, interactive group exercises and ready-made to use templates, checklists and examples, plus 2 in-depth role plays.

3. Boost Career Growth and Professional Credibility: 

Attending advanced procurement negotiations training not only sharpens your negotiation skills but also enhances your professional profile. It positions you as a valuable asset within your organization, opening doors to career advancement and leadership opportunities.

Great presentations + examples of each topic. I will positively use the information in future negotiations

Really enjoyed the instructor (Mark) & his style of teaching.  His stories were the best part - very relevant as examples to whatever topic that we were on. Thank you!

– Feedback From Participants attending Advanced Procurement Negotiations - ISM, Delaware, U.S.A

How Can I Register? 

Contact Us Here or Call for Priority Response at


Course Summary

  • Upon completion of the Advanced Procurement Negotiations training course, you will learn various methodologies that you can practically implement.  
  • Plus you will also discover approaches that work for your own personality style and can be tailored to the commodities you are responsible for acquiring.

  • No fluff, no theory, we’ll unearth practical and usable advanced strategies, tactics, concepts, techniques and examples which Mark used in his corporate sourcing leadership roles. 
  • The sessions also include a mixture of instruction, group case studies, interactive dialog, and multiple “real world” negotiation role playing exercises.  

Bonus: It also includes a thorough training manual that provides insights, examples, and tools inherent in the curriculum.

Course Outline

  • The Place of Negotiations in Today’s Strategic Sourcing Environment
  • The History of Supply Chain Negotiation Techniques

Individual Exercise

  • Assessment of My Personal Negotiation Capabilities
  • When to Negotiate? (Rather than Compete)

The Pre-Negotiation Strategy Checklist

  • Aligning Negotiation Behavior With Key Supplier Relationship Attributes
  • Harmonization of Stakeholder Objectives w/Procurement Strategies
  • Attributes of World Class Negotiators

Group Exercise 1

Ways to Identify the Opposition’s Personality Styles & Techniques to Apply

  • Building Customer & Supplier Requirement Profiles
  • The Negotiation Process – Exploration of the Six Process Stages Essential to EverySuccessful Negotiation:
  1. Preparation
  2. Positioning
  3. Discovery
  4. Problem Resolution
  5. Identification of Options
  6. Securing Commitment
  • Ethics in Negotiations
  • Tools – Preparing a Negotiation Plan & Worksheet
  • Must Know Elements from the Harvard Negotiation Study
  • Tactics & Strategies that Create Win/Win Negotiations

Group Exercise 2

Getting Beyond Positional Behavior

  • Techniques for Negotiating In-Person (Team or Individuals), via Telephone, or via Email.
  • Team Identification & Assignments - Procurement’s Role in the Negotiations
  • Five Unwritten Rules of Negotiations

Group Exercise 3

Negotiable Elements – a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Methodology of Identifying Options


Negotiations Requirements Template and Negotiation Strategy Template

  • Building Momentum in Negotiations
  • Setting the Stage for Successful Negotiations (Selecting Location, Room & Participant Arrangements)

Group Exercise 4

“Issues & Needs” vs. “Positions”

Individual Exercise

Negotiations and People – Identifying “Needs” which Drive Counterpart Behaviors

  • Sole Source Negotiations – Changing the Paradigm (7 Winning Techniques)
  • Negotiation Mistakes (12 Pitfalls)
  • Supplier Positioning Tactics & Appropriate Responses
  • The Art of Breaking a Bargaining Deadlock

Team Role Playing Exercises (2)

Each day, a multi-hour full-scale negotiation is conducted.  All participants members will participate in the exercises, playing different roles each day, including both procurement and supplier sales perspectives.

Blue Cross Blue Sheild

Both our procurement and line-of-business owners enjoyed the excellent training … [on] Advanced Procurement Negotiations … very-positive feedback from the participants, with the average post-training survey score being 4.5 (out of 5.0 possible points). We especially enjoyed the practical examples and role-playing exercises used to illustrate the training concepts being taught.

Corporate Director of Procurement & Sourcing Services -
Blue Shield Health Insurance Company - U.S.A

Download Brochure!


How Can I Register? 

Contact Us Here or Call for Priority Response at


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What is the training format? 

The format is either:

  • Onsite where the instructor travels to your site and conducts the training in your premises, or 
  • Live Virtual where the instructor will conduct the program through Zoom or Teams.

Both types allow for questions, interaction and exercises with the instructor. 

You will learn real-life and practical procurement strategies and tactics from someone who’s ‘been there, done that’, with full knowledge and experience of how to manage typical scenarios, challenges and problems procurement teams face in their day to day work.

Q: What is the duration of the training?

The Advanced Procurement Negotiations Training is 2 days when conducted onsite (8 hours per day x 2 days) or 2 to 3 half days when conducted Live Instructor-Led Virtual Online through Zoom or Teams (4 hours per day x 2 or 3 days).

Q: Do you provide any certificate for this training?

Each participant will receive a Certificate of Completion after attending and participating in the Advanced Procurement Negotiations Training. 

For Certification programs that include a rigorous accredited program, review our CIPP, CIPM and CIPL Certification programs here.

Q. Who should attend this training?

This course is ideal for procurement professionals, sourcing managers, and anyone involved in negotiating complex technologies, products, and services. It's also beneficial for those looking to enhance their negotiation skills and advance their careers.

Q. What materials are provided during the course?

Participants will receive a printed comprehensive training manual that includes insights, examples, and tools integral to the advanced negotiations strategies used with suppliers. This manual serves as a valuable resource for future reference.

Q: How can I register for the course?

The Advanced Procurement Negotiations Training is conducted for procurement teams either onsite or Live Virtual Instructor-Led for those teams located in different locations. 

If you have a team that is looking to upgrade to advanced negotiations skills with best in class procurement negotiations practices, contact us here for more details

Q: Who is the instructor?

A: The course will be led by a seasoned former procurement executive who has been in procurement roles with leading companies for more than 20 years. You will learn real-life and practical procurement negotiations strategies and tactics from someone who’s ‘been there, done that’, with full knowledge and experience of how to manage typical scenarios procurement teams face when negotiating with all types of suppliers.

On behalf of the Institute for Supply Management’s … affiliate, I thank you [Mark] sincerely for two dynamic days packed full of useful information on Advanced Negotiations! This confirms our record turnout of 56 participants. The seminar was very well received by our participants. The evaluations were very high. I would like to share [some] participant comments on the seminar itself:

  • Excellent use of case studies – Real life problems.
  • The workshops took on the actual feeling that I was selling/buying – valuable information was derived especially on the selling side – which I am not accustomed to. Great job guys!
  • Team exercises were helpful to get other negotiation techniques.
  • … class was excellent! Would recommend to other organizations.

President & Chief Executive Officer, ISM Local US Chapter

Spend Matters

Anyone with fifteen minutes to spare … should sit down and take a close read of Mark Trowbridge's excellent analysis on improving negotiating leverage in his … article … This is one of those once in a quarter articles where the Cliff Notes or a quick skim will not suffice. In it, Mark presents seven ways of improving your negotiating strength, nearly all of which are relevant across industries (although anyone involved in manufacturing will want to take an even closer look at a few of the suggestions). … The difference in some of Mark's techniques relative to others you might read about is that they're aimed at changing the basis of negotiation rather than simply improving the negotiation itself. That's because these techniques can alter a supplier's perception of your relative strength in the negotiation process

Jason Busch, Spend Matters

ACC logo

.. excellent trainer! Mark is a winner! ... I like most that Mark was able to explain complex subjects in an understandable manner. Keep it up.

Rusmar Tijing - Al-Arrab Contracting Company, Saudi Arabia

How Can I Register? 

Contact Us Here or Call for Priority Response at


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