Live Virtual Instructor-Led Training

How to Achieve Significant Savings, Build Successful Supplier/End-User Relationships & Deliver Business Value!

April 19 - 21, 2021 | 8.30 AM – 2 PM CST, 5.5 hours per day x 3 days

Fee = $1,395 (Group Discounts Available)

Unlike any other online programs out there, this is different in 3 ways:

1. Learn From an Experienced Practitioner!

Sean Sidney who is running this program, has decades of procurement experience and brings to life real scenarios and challenges that procurement faces and practical solutions to those challenges. Here's a comment from one participant after an online training last month:

"[I liked the] interactive, practical sessions, exercises"

2. Enjoy Learning & Have Fun!

Sean creates a fun interactive environment, where the training room comes to life. As people learn from doing and from making mistakes, Sean ensures the participants leave the course practiced and confident, able to convert their new skills into business gains.

He manages to do this, with his unique 'no slides' class-style i.e. no boring powerpoint presentations, but he will draw and write as he explains and engages participants during the class. Here's another comment from another participant attending Sean's online training:

"Quite Realistic & related to our work. It's really good! [I liked that it is] interactive and no slides"

3. Learn by Doing.

With the many exercises and group discussions this is a 'learning by doing' program. There are 14 planned activities/exercises for almost each session during the training program.

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